Friday, July 12, 2013

Totally Unexpected Great Read!

The Quiver of a Kiss
The Quiver of a Kiss
Helen is the bargaining tool of her brothers and her father. She learns of lust but is denied love until she is drawn to one of her suitors, a man named Odysseus. When her father decides, however, that she will marry Menelaus, Helen becomes a pawn for both her new husband and the gods. She manages to survive, however, until a young man from Troy, a city across the sea, ignites in her a passion that will be the destruction of empires.
4.75 Historical Erotic Stars!
My Review
ARC Copy kindly provided by the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
So, this isn't my normal genre of reading, but I was blown away. I love myself some erotica and I really enjoy historical reads. Combine both of them and you get The Quiver of a Kiss, The Seduction of Helen of Troy. So, most people know of Helen, the face that launched a thousand ships. The author is brilliant. I loved the way her words just seemed spot on with the time period. I am just so completely blown away and can't even believe I waited so long to try a book like this. The story was beautifully told and I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this.
What a great, unexpected find! Way to go, Sarah!

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